Fundraiser: Contradiction: A Question of Faith

Contradiction: A Question of Faith confronts the paradox of church saturation in Black neighborhoods throughout the United States that far too often are coexisting in the midst of poverty and powerlessness. Why are there so many churches yet so many problems? This is a serious question that is addressed in a way that has never been done.

We started out making this film wondering if the contents were too controversial or too far ahead of its time. We knew that starting out in the bible belt, making a documentary questioning the impact of church and faith in the Black community would not only be challenging but risky. It’s frowned upon in the eyes of most Blacks to question the church, the bible, God or anything related to faith. Our story was unforgettable and wound up taking us around the country. We learned and experienced so much, but we need your help to keep the journey going.

Contribute to the campaign at Indiegogo

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