Is this really wine? – “The Chosen One S01E03” – What the Wine? #21

What would you think or do if you seemed to be able to turn water into wine? Well, as a first step, if you don’t know that you are divine, is to test whether that red liquid is really wine. It might complicate matters if you are a 12-year-old boy, who did not have a lot of experience with wine yet. That’s exactly the situation in the 7th minute of the third episode of The Chosen One, an excellent Mexican TV series on Netflix, where the chosen one, Jodie is played by Bobby Luhnow. The picture captures the moment of the taste test.

Jodie tests the wine/water in The Chosen One


Jodie, a 12-year-old boy living in Baja California Sur, discovers he has Jesus-like powers; he must decide whether to answer his calling and fulfill his destiny.

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