Category: Pointers

Segment for the poster of Waterman, narrated by Jason Momoa

LDS Film Festival: March 2-5, 2022

The LDS (aka The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka Mormons) Film Festival will take place in Utah and wil be an in-person event, for four days, starting March 2, 2022. It...

Segment for the poster of Ultrainocencia / Ultrainnocence

Ultrainocencia / Ultrainnocence [FilmThreat]

By Norman Gidney at FilmThreat Does God exist? Can science prove it? This is the MacGuffin that services the film Ultrainocencia. The Spiritual Primordial Project, a consortium of the most powerful minds in religion...

Andy Warhol

Andy Warhol was Catholic? []

By Rev. Alexander Santora in  the Jersey Journal If someone asked me for a word or phrase to describe 1960s pop artist Andy Warhol, I might say “hedonist” or “iconoclast.” Never would I think...