Pauline Images in Fiction and Film: On Reversing the Hermeneutical Flow

Cover for Pauline Images in Fiction and Film: On Reversing the Hermeneutical Flow
  • Year: 1999
  • Publisher: Sheffield Academic Press

Here Dr Kreitzer explores the connections between biblical texts, classic works of literature, and cinematic interpretations of those works. The aim is to illuminate both the New Testament texts and facets of contemporary culture through a cross-disciplinary approach. This volume contains studies of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray, Bram Stoker's Dracula, and Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin, all of which are set against the backdrop of images drawn from the Pauline epistles. The studies discuss a wide variety of theological themes, including shipwreck and salvation, eschatology, eucharistic imagery, and liberation and slavery.

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