2014-15 Religion And Politics Film Series: “Divided We Fall” Screening

Divided We Fall: Americans in the AftermathDiscussion With Filmmakers Valarie Kaur And Sharat Raju at Washington University in St. Louis

Date – 09/09/2014 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Divided We Fall: Americans in the Aftermath (2008) by Valarie Kaur and Sharat Raju will be the first film presented in the Religion and Politics Film Series. Valarie Kaur was a 20-year-old college student when she set out across America in the aftermath of 9/11, camera in hand, to document hate violence against the Sikh community. From the still-shocked streets of Ground Zero to the desert towns of the American west, her epic journey confronts the forces unleashed in a time of national crisis – racism and religion, fear and forgiveness. This critically acclaimed film was the first feature documentary on post-9/11 racism in America that toured 200 U.S. cities and received a dozen international awards. (Run time 110 minutes)

Detailed information about the event 

The film on DVD

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