Round up of Going Clear, Scientology and Tom Cruise

Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief Church of Scientology combats Alex Gibney documentary with online campaign

Church accuses Gibney of using discredited sources in his film Going Clear, and launches new Twitter account to drum up viral support

Read more at The Guardian

Among the film’s allegations:

The church abuses its members. In the film, Spanky Taylor, an ex-Scientologist and John Travolta’s former publicist, said she was forced to do hard labor while pregnant, and that her baby was taken away from her by the church for a time. Punishments for those who doubted included sleep deprivation. “You’re so thoroughly indoctrinated, deluded and not questioning anything because [Hubbard] had all the answers,” said Taylor, as USA Today reported. “So you continue to believe all the nonsense.”

Read more at The Washington Post

Scientology’s Alleged Controversial Practices Under Fire in New Film

Watch ABC’s coverage

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