Say It Again, Sam: A Literary and Filmic Study of Narrative Repetition in 1 Samuel 28

Cover for Say It Again, Sam: A Literary and Filmic Study of Narrative Repetition in 1 Samuel 28
  • Year: 2011
  • Publisher: Pickwick Publications

This book offers a synchronic exegesis of Saul's night visit to the witch of En-Dor (1 Sam 28:3-25), focussing on the web of repetitions of visual elements, of symbols, of sounds, of entire scenes, and of keywords. Kent shows how an artistry of repetition and non-repetition helps to build characterization, plot, and structure, as well as prophetic fulfilments, foreshadowing, and inter-textual warnings. Anyone interested in biblical narrative and the Hebrew Bible will find here new questions and techniques, and a wider repertoire of tools offering fresh understandings.

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