Nigerian Audiences’ Perception of Pentecostal Churches’ Ownership of Satellite Television Channels

  • Author(s): Paul Martin Obayi, Ph.D and Ignatius Obiorah Edogor
  • When: 2016-03
  • Where: Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Pentecostal churches’ ownership of satellite television channels is a relatively new trend in Nigeria; apparently, it is one of the aftermaths of deregulation of broadcasting industry in the country. By the application of uses and gratifications theory; this paper investigated Nigerian audiences’ perception of Pentecostal churches’ ownership of satellite television channels. Survey research method was adopted for the study and a sample of 300 respondents was drawn using multi-stage sampling techniques, whereas the questionnaire served as the instrument of data collection. The work’s major finding is that the public perceives Pentecostal churches’ ownership of satellite television channels as a welcome development in Nigeria; they uphold the channels’ airing of miracles, albeit with regulations. Again, it found out that broadcasting of such religious programmes help to draw people closer to their Creator.

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