Ritualism in Nigerian Home Videos

  • Author(s): Sunday Olayinka Alawode, PhD & Stephen S. Fatonji
  • When: 2013-07
  • Where: 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference
  • The media is a mirror of the society. Like other movie industries in the world, Nollywood, (the Nigeria home video) is significantly involved in the framing, reflection and identity construction of Nigeria and African society through its cultural representations. This study investigates the portrayal of ritualism through indigenous language in Nigerian home video films. A content analysis of thirty Yoruba home video films reveals that ritualism is significantly depicted in Nigerian indigenous home video, with 46 cases recorded and it is found as an essential part of African Traditional Religion. This is reflected in the elaborate use of African traditional totems like shrines, statutes, palm oil, drawings, clothes of special colours (e.g. red, black and white), and extra-mundane communication like incantations and diabolism. It was concluded that the purpose of ritualism is neither good nor evil since ritualism itself is an application which can either be positively or negatively used to solve life’s problems.

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