PLUG’s Top Five Spiritual Films

Black NarcissusBlack Narcissus

Though some have claimed that it is mildly critical of Catholicism, the beguiling mix of melodrama, noir thriller, and spirituality make this Technicolor epic a must-see.
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Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives

This art house flick from 2010, and the only Thai film that has ever won the Palme d’Or at Cannes, explores Buddhism and native folklore from Northern Thailand.
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Don’t expect this movie to have any of the beautiful, Buddhist poetry of Boonmee; this is a violent and vicious movie.
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Sans Soleil

As the camera shows us scenes from the mundane aspects of life, the narration, combined with Marker’s keen eye for framing, allows these images to take on a somewhat mythic and spiritual quality.
Amazon DVD

Sister Act

Obviously, the number one religious movie of all time is Sister Act. I mean, come on, there’s even an appearance by a man pretending to be the Pope at the end!
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