Traditional Ceremonies and Rituals of Kazakh People as the Reflection of the Spiritual Culture in the Kazakh Cinematograph

  • Author(s): Aigul Sh. Tuyakbaeva
  • When: 2016-10
  • Where: International Journal of Environmental and Science Education
  • This paper covers the folklore and traditional nature of Kazakh cinematograph. A flexible manner was used for analysis of the specifics of cinematizing of ethnic and cultural values, and also, the cinematization of traditions and customs as the factor of spiritual development was studied. Systematical and scientific analysis of peculiarities and factors of national identity and culture in Kazakh movies was conducted. The paper is dedicated to the discussion of ancient traditions and rituals of Kazakh people which have a great importance for the traditional Kazakh society, for their spiritual development, for the formation of personality in the society and behavioral education. It was demonstrated that the very ancient traditions, as well as quips by predecessors, according to which the traditional Kazakh society lives, play the main role, can influence and give a good example of the development and formation of a sound society in the 21st century according to unchangeable, previously established rules, national traditions and other values. Results of the study can contribute to the development of the methodology for both certain sections of cultural history and the study of socio-cultural significance of Kazakh cinematograph of the 20th century and of the beginning of the 21st century.

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