The Menace of the Religious Movie

  • Author(s): A. W. Tozer
  • When: 1974-01
  • Where: Christian Alliance ministires
  • One thing may bother some earnest souls: why so many good people approve the religious movie. The list of those who are enthusiastic about it includes many who cannot be written off as border-line Christians. If it is an evil, why have not these denounced it? The, answer is, lack of spiritual discernment. Many who are turning to the movie are the same who have, by direct teaching or by neglect, discredited the work of the Holy Spirit. They have apologized for the Spirit and so hedged Him in by their unbelief that it has amounted to an out-and-out repudiation. Now we are paying the price of our folly. The light has gone out and good men are forced to stumble around in the darkness of the human intellect.

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