- Author(s): Ashwinder Kaur a/p Gurbanjan Singh
- When: 2015-12
- Where: Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Minority religion gets very less coverage, be it at school teachings or local media. With less than one percent population to represent themselves, the Sikhs in Malaysia, being a double minority in ethnic categorization often gets very limited media coverage and representation, let alone, an accurate portrayal. Bollywood movies are often time deduced to a cultural product of the Sikhs to non-Sikh Malaysians. With a severely lacking representation of Sikhs in local media and the inaccurate portrayal of Sikhs in Bollywood movies, the Sikh community tries to preserve as much of their religious identity as they can. This research is a humble attempt to analyse the influence of Bollywood films on Malaysian Punjabi Sikh youths’ perception on their religious identity. The study uses Hall’s encoding and decoding (1980) model to look at how the Malaysian Punjabi Sikh youth interpret Bollywood films and its portrayal of Sikh characters which in return, influences their religious identity. By utilizing one-on-one in depth interviews, the researcher interviewed 15 Punjabi Sikh youth, aged 16-23 years consisting of eight males and seven females from the Klang Valley until the data saturated. The study showed Sikh youth deduced the dastar as a vital factor in maintaining their religious identity. However, Bollywood movies cannot be considered as an influential or the only factor that affects the identity of a Sikh. Primary and secondary agents of socialization such as family members through daily life experiences, peer group and social media do play a vital role in changing youths’ perceptions about their idealistic and practical religious identity.