Religion, Education and The West Wing

  • Author(s): Diane Corkery
  • When: 2014-10
  • Where: REA: A Journal of Religion, Education and the Arts
  • This article continues the discourse between religion and film/television by exploring the religious flavourings of the „Two Cathedrals‟ episode in The West Wing (1999-2006) drama series. A consideration of the value of using television and film for the purposes of teaching religion is first presented. A brief introduction to The West Wing is also offered, before discussing important moments and scenes in the „Two Cathedrals‟ episode, most notably, President Bartlett‟s „bashing of God‟ scene set in the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. Finally, this article explores some scriptural texts that dialogue well with the „Two Cathedrals‟ episode for educational purposes.

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