Second annual status update

Last year on May 1st, when the 200th blog entry was posted, I shared some statistics of this site. Here is an update of where we are now. (The numbers in parenthesis represent last year’s data)

  • 336 blogs posts (vs 200)
  • 124 books (vs 82)
  • 287 articles (vs 199)
  • 57 syllabi (vs 57)
  • 42 likes Facebook page (vs 35)
  • 325 followers on Twitter (vs 24)
  • 9 followers on Google+ (vs 2)
  • We had 12,250 sessions (vs 8,682)  by 11,009 users (vs 7,849) and 25,962 pageviews (vs 19,764) – since January 1, 2007

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