Articles added to in June 2016

In the month of June 2016 I added this 42 articles to that discusses aspects of film/TV and religion. About half of them are from the last 12 months, but the rest is from the 1980’s

  1. “The Apostle”: An Interview with Robert Duvall by Bill Blizek and Ronald Burke (1998-04)
  2. The Caucasianization of Jesus: Hollywood Transforming Christianity into a Racially Hierarchical Discourse by Catherine Jones, Atsushi Tajima (2015-11)
  3. Contemporary Films and Religious Exploration: An Opportunity for Religious Education. Part 1: Foundational Questions. by Pamela P. Mitchell Legg (1996-09)
  4. Contemporary Films and Religious Exploration: An Opportunity for Religious Education. Part II: How to Engage in Conversation with Film. by Pamela P. Mitchell Legg (1997-11)
  5. The End of Desire: Theologies of Eros in The Song of Songs and Breaking the Waves by Kyle Keefer and Tod Linafelt (1998-04)
  6. “The Fairy Tale is True”: Social Technologies of the Religious Supernatural in Film and New Media by Diana Walsh Pasulka (2016-04)
  7. Frum with Benefits: Israeli Television, Globalization, and Srugim’s American Appeal by Shayna Weiss (2016-04)
  8. Has Hollywood finally found god? by Tim Stanley (2016-04)
  9. “Holocaust Laughter”? A German response to Punch Me In the Stomach by Tania Oldenhage (1997-10)
  10. Images of God in the Movies by Andrew M. Greeley (1997-04)
  11. The Influence of Bollywood Films on Punjabi Sikh Youths’ Perception of Their Religious Identity by Ashwinder Kaur a/p Gurbanjan Singh (2015-12)
  12. Islamic Positivism and Scientific Truth: Qur’an and Archeology in a Creationist Documentary Film by Baudouin Dupret, Clémentine Gutron (2016-04)
  13. The Jesus Film: Between Global Christianization and World Christianity by Colin H. Yuckman (2015-12)
  14. Keeping the Faith: Religious moviegoers drive demand for authenticity by Andreas Fuchs (2016-03)
  15. Kierkegaard at Babette’s Feast: The Return to the Finite by Jean Schuler (1997-10)
  16. “Love Everything” Cinema and Belief in Malick’s The Tree of Life by Robert Sinnerbrink (2016-02)
  17. Mountains, monks and mandalas: ‘Kundun’ and ‘Seven Years in Tibet.’ by Mark Abramson (1998-07)
  18. Mozart & Salieri, Cain & Abel: A Cinematic Transformation of Genesis 4 by Gregory Allen Robbins (1997-04)
  19. The Mutated Spirit: The Hollywood Zombie as Psychopomp by Keira McKenzie (2011-09)
  20. On Human Nature in the Thought of Muhyiddin Ibn’ Arabi and the Western Tradition Within the Context of the Film The Silence of the Lambs by Ridade Öztürk (2016-01)
  21. Orientalist Commercializations: Tibetan Buddhism in American Popular Film by Eve L. Mullen (1998-10)
  22. Perception and Reaction: The Representation of the Shari’a in Nollywood and Kanywood Films by Nasiru Wada Khalil (2016-04)
  23. Picturing the Way in Bae Yong-kyun’s Why Has Bodhidharma Left for the East? by Michael L. Gillespie (1997-04)
  24. Problematizing the Human-Technology Relationship through Techno-Spiritual Myths Presented in The Machine, Transcendence and Her by Heidi A. Campbell (2016-01)
  25. The Rapture: A Challenging Vision of Horror by Carl Greiner (1997-04)
  26. Redressing Jewish Difference in Tania Modleski’s “Cinema and the Dark Continent” by Laura Levitt (1997-10)
  27. Religion, Blasphemy, and Tradition in the Films of Lucio Fulci by James Reitter (2011-09)
  28. Religion, Theology and Film in a Postmodern Age: A Response to John Lyden by Clive Marsh (1998-04)
  29. Rivette’s The Nun: Religion between Sadism and Masochism by Paolo Stellino, Claudio Rozzoni (2016-01)
  30. Sacred Time and Ritualistic Behavior at Harry Potter Book Releases and Film Premieres by Tyler Dukes (2016-04)
  31. The scientist as pioneer hero: Hollywood’s mythological reconciliations in twister and contact by Geoff King (1999-07)
  32. The Shaping Influence of Film and Television on the Spirituality and Identity of Children and Adolescents: an educational response—part 3 by Graham Rossiter (1999-11)
  33. Show Faith in Moviegoers: Devout audiences respond to unprecedented range of films by Andreas Fuchs (2016-05)
  34. Spirited publics? Post-secularism, enchantment and enterprise on Indian television by Lewis (2016-05)
  35. Thou Shalt Kill . . . Carefully: Secular Religion, the Immanent Frame, and Showtime’s Dexter by Matthew Pittman (2015-11)
  36. “The Ties That Bind and Bless the Soul”: Grace and Noir in Schrader’s Light Sleeper by Jason Ambrosiano (1998-10)
  37. “Time Is a Flat Circle”: True Detective and the Specter of Moral Panic in American Pop Culture by Joseph P. Laycock (2015-11)
  38. To Commend or To Critique? The Question of Religion and Film Studies by John Lyden (1997-10)
  39. “A ton of faith in science!” nature and role of assumptions in, and ideas about, science and epistemology generated upon watching a sci-fi film by John Y. Myers and Fouad Abd-El-Khalick (2016-04)
  40. Transgressing Goodness in Breaking the Waves by Irena S. M. Makarushka (1998-04)
  41. Unreeled Presence: The Film Screen as Altar by John Matturri (1988-02)
  42. Visions of the End. Secular Apocalypse in Recent Hollywood Film by Conrad Ostwalt (1998-04)

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