Monthly Archive: October 2011

Books added October 6, 2011

Images and the imageless: A study in religious consciousness and film(1991) by Thomas M. Martin Jesus at the Movies: A Guide to the First Hundred Years(1997) by Barnes W. Tatum Jesus of Hollywood(2007) by...

Spielberg directing Moses

Steven D. Greydanus wrote an article at the National Catholic Register a couple of days ago titled “Moses, Spielberg & DeMille: Why Spielberg should do the next Moses movie” After covering Spielberg’s past achievement and...

Books added October 4, 2011

Gospel Images in Fiction and Film: On Reversing the Hermeneutical Flow (2002) by Larry Joseph Kreitzer Hollywood Censored: Morality Codes, Catholics, and the Movies (1994) by Gregory D. Black Hollywood Dreams and Biblical Stories...

Women, Religion, and Film: Higher Ground Raises the Stakes

Sarah Sentilles provides an intelligent review at Religion Dispatches of a new movie titled Higher Ground. She starts it with Watching Higher Ground, Vera Farmiga’s directorial debut based on Carolyn Briggs’ memoir This Dark World, felt like...

Announcing the new Syllabi section

In order to serve the mission of this website (“To support the study of the connection between films and religion”) better I just created a new syllabi section, where I will collect syllabi of courses...

Dr David Tollerton: Job of Suburbia?

Dr David Tollerton wrote an article titled “Job of Suburbia? A Serious Man and Viewer Perceptions of the Biblical” about the Coen brothers‘ movie A Serious Man, which will come out in the next issue...